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发布时间:2018-07-17 编辑: 来源:


1.Title:   Decentralizedmulti-agent coordination via event-triggered control


Speaker:   Prof.Zhi Tian, IEEE Fellow, George Mason University

Time: 717日上午9:00-9:45



Abstract: The problem of distributed coordination formulti-agent systems has been widely studied because of their usefulapplications in broad areas such as unmanned vehicles, mobile robots, dronenetworks, and wireless cloud communications. In these applications, groups ofagents consent on certain quantities of interest through local communicationsand computation. An ideal decentralized algorithm is expected to reach theoptimal solution with minimal communication and computation costs.Nevertheless, the communication-computation tradeoff is essential. This talkpresents some recent results on energy-efficient schemes for decentralizedconsensus optimization through event-triggered control and communicationcensoring. 


Bio: Dr. Zhi Tian has been a Professor in the Electrical andComputer Engineering Department of George Mason University since 2015.Previously she was on the faculty of Michigan Technological University. Herresearch interests lie in statistical signal processing, wireless communications,and decentralized network optimization. She is an IEEE Fellow. She is Chair ofthe IEEE Signal Processing Society Big Data Special Interest Group. She wasGeneral Co-Chair of the IEEE GlobalSIP Conference in 2016. She served as anIEEE Distinguished Lecturer, and Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions onWireless Communications and IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.


2.Title: How to Publish Research Work at IEEE ComSoc TopJournals


Speaker: Chengshan Xiao, CAE Fellow and IEEE Fellow,Chandler Weaver Professor and ECE Chair, Lehigh University

Time: 717日上午9:45-10:30



Abstract: In this talk, Prof. Xiao will present keystatistics, review processes, and author appeal procedure of IEEECommunications Society’s top journals. He will also provide the impact factorsof ComSoc top journals and their sister’s IEEE journals. During the talk, Prof.Xiao will provide suggestions and advices on how to conduct high-qualityresearch, how to read influential papers, how to write well-presented papers,and how to increase successful rates of submissions to top journals. Finally,he will provide a big picture on how IEEE creates new journals, review/monitorexisting journals, and possibly eliminate out-of-date or bad journals.


Biography: Dr. Xiao is Chandler Weaver Professor and Chairof Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Lehigh University. Heis a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and a Fellow of the IEEE.Previously, he served as a Program Director with USA National ScienceFoundation. He was a senior engineer with Nortel Networks, Canada, a facultymember at Tsinghua University, University of Alberta, University of Missouri -Columbia, and Missouri University of Science and Technology. His researchinterests include wireless communications, signal processing, and underwateracoustic communications. He is the holder of several patents granted in USA,Canada, China and Europe. His invented algorithms have been implemented intoNortel's base station radio products after successful technical field trialsand network integration.

Prof. Xiao is on the IEEE Technical Activity Board’sPeriodical Committee, which oversees all the IEEE journals and magazines. Hehas served as the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on WirelessCommunications, elected Board of Governor, Director of Conference Publications,Fellow Evaluation Committee, and Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEECommunications Society. He was the founding Chair of the IEEE TechnicalCommittee on Wireless Communications, and the Technical Program Chair of the2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Cape Town, South Africa.He received several distinguished awards including 2014 Humboldt ResearchAward.


3.Title: Positive Effect of Social Learning inPrivacy-Preserving Data Collection


Speaker:Prof. Junshan Zhang, IEEE Fellow, Fulton ChairProfessor, Arizona State University

Time: 717日上午10:30-11:15



Abstract: We explore a model where users share (noisyversions of) their private data with social friends. Based on learning fromboth her private data and her friends’ noisy data, each user makes strategic decisions to social learning onusers’ data reporting strategies and devise the payment mechanism for the datacollector. Our findings reveal that both the data collector and the usersbenefit from social learning under some conditions.


Bio: Junshan Zhang received his Ph.D. degree from the Schoolof ECE at Purdue University in 2000. He joined the School of ECEE at Arizona StateUniversity in August 2000, where he has been Fulton Chair Professor since 2015.His research interests fall in the general field of information networks anddata science, including communication networks, Internet of Things (IoT), FogComputing, social networks, smart grid. Prof. Zhang is a Fellow of the IEEE,and a recipient of the ONR Young Investigator Award in 2005 and the NSF CAREERaward in 2003. He received the IEEE Wireless Communication Technical CommitteeRecognition Award in 2016. His papers have won a few awards, including theKenneth C. Sevcik Outstanding Student Paper Award of ACM SIGMETRICS/IFIPPerformance 2016, the Best Paper Runner-up Award of IEEE INFOCOM 2009 and IEEEINFOCOM 2014, and the Best Paper Award at IEEE ICC 2008 and ICC 2017. Buildingon his research findings, he co-founded Smartiply Inc in 2015, a Fog Computingstartup company delivering boosted network connectivity and embedded artificialintelligence. Prof. Zhang was TPC co-chair for a number of major conferences incommunication networks, including IEEE INFOCOM 2012 and ACM MOBIHOC 2015. Hewas the general chair for ACM/IEEE SEC 2017, WiOPT 2016, and IEEE CommunicationTheory Workshop 2007. He was a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEECommunications Society. He is currently serving as an editor-at-large forIEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking and an editor for IEEE Network Magazine.






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